A Jaclyn and Matisse Baby Wooden Jingle Stick sitting on top of a leaf.A Jaclyn and Matisse Baby Wooden Jingle Stick on a white background.

Jaclyn and Matisse

Baby Wooden Jingle Stick

$19.00 $25.00
Baby Wooden Tambourine DrumBaby Wooden Tambourine Drum
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Baby Wooden Tambourine Drum

$29.00 $35.00
Two Jaclyn and Matisse Wooden Maraca Pairs on top of a rug.A pair of Jaclyn and Matisse Wooden Maraca Pair on a white background.
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Wooden Maraca Pair

$19.00 $35.00
Xylophone - Chime BarXylophone - Chime Bar
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Xylophone - Chime Bar

$29.00 $35.00
Wooden Xylophone - LargeWooden Xylophone - Large
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Wooden Xylophone - Large

$39.00 $59.00
Wooden Egg ShakersWooden Egg Shakers
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Wooden Egg Shakers

$24.65 $29.00
Baby Wooden FluteBaby Wooden Flute
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Baby Wooden Flute

$19.00 $29.00
Small TambourineSmall Tambourine
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Small Tambourine

$25.00 $29.00
Franky the FoxFranky the Fox
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Franky the Fox

$15.00 $19.00
Beatrice the Bird RattleBeatrice the Bird Rattle
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Beatrice the Bird Rattle

$19.00 $25.00
A Jaclyn and Matisse Tambourine (Standard) on a rug, perfect for children interested in toy musical instruments.A white Jaclyn and Matisse bangle tambourine (Standard) with two holes.
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Tambourine (Standard)

$25.00 $35.00
Teether Eddie the ElephantTeether Eddie the Elephant
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Teether Eddie the Elephant

$15.00 $19.00
Bella The BellBella The Bell
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Bella The Bell

$19.00 $35.00
Push Along Toy Carter The CarPush Along Toy Carter The Car
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Push Along Toy Carter The Car

$19.00 $35.00
Triangle InstrumentTriangle Instrument
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Triangle Instrument

$19.00 $25.00
Georgie The Giraffe TeetherGeorgie The Giraffe Teether
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Georgie The Giraffe Teether

$19.00 $29.00
Push Along Ellie The ElephantPush Along Ellie The Elephant
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse

Push Along Ellie The Elephant

$19.00 $35.00
On sale

Jaclyn and Matisse


$24.65 $29.00

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