A Jaclyn and Matisse Baby Wooden Jingle Stick sitting on top of a leaf.A Jaclyn and Matisse Baby Wooden Jingle Stick on a white background.

Jaclyn and Matisse

Baby Wooden Jingle Stick

Baby Wooden Tambourine DrumBaby Wooden Tambourine Drum

Jaclyn and Matisse

Baby Wooden Tambourine Drum

Xylophone - Chime BarXylophone - Chime Bar

Jaclyn and Matisse

Xylophone - Chime Bar

Two Jaclyn and Matisse Wooden Maraca Pairs on top of a rug.A pair of Jaclyn and Matisse Wooden Maraca Pair on a white background.

Jaclyn and Matisse

Wooden Maraca Pair

Wooden Egg ShakersWooden Egg Shakers

Jaclyn and Matisse

Wooden Egg Shakers

Wooden Xylophone - LargeWooden Xylophone - Large

Jaclyn and Matisse

Wooden Xylophone - Large

Baby Wooden FluteBaby Wooden Flute

Jaclyn and Matisse

Baby Wooden Flute

Small TambourineSmall Tambourine

Jaclyn and Matisse

Small Tambourine

Franky the FoxFranky the Fox

Jaclyn and Matisse

Franky the Fox

Beatrice the Bird RattleBeatrice the Bird Rattle

Jaclyn and Matisse

Beatrice the Bird Rattle

A Jaclyn and Matisse Tambourine (Standard) on a rug, perfect for children interested in toy musical instruments.A white Jaclyn and Matisse bangle tambourine (Standard) with two holes.

Jaclyn and Matisse

Tambourine (Standard)

Teether Eddie the ElephantTeether Eddie the Elephant

Jaclyn and Matisse

Teether Eddie the Elephant

Push Along Toy Carter The CarPush Along Toy Carter The Car

Jaclyn and Matisse

Push Along Toy Carter The Car

Triangle InstrumentTriangle Instrument

Jaclyn and Matisse

Triangle Instrument

Bella The BellBella The Bell

Jaclyn and Matisse

Bella The Bell

Georgie The Giraffe TeetherGeorgie The Giraffe Teether

Jaclyn and Matisse

Georgie The Giraffe Teether

Push Along Ellie The ElephantPush Along Ellie The Elephant

Jaclyn and Matisse

Push Along Ellie The Elephant


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